all, hope you are having a good week! Today I am kicking off my photo diary
posts with a week in my iPhone. I will be honest here. I love photography, I
always have. It all started when I was given a camera on my first big overseas
trip with my family when I was 8, I was hooked. Realising I could capture
moments and then keep them forever really amazed me, still does. I then did
photography for my electives all through high school and collage and fell in
love with the processing side of it, developing negatives in the dark room,
learning about appartures and shutter speed, the rule of thirds; all of it was
just so interesting to me from a creative side of things.
So its
no supprise then that I take WAY too many photos on my iPhone, I am always
wanting to capture things, remember moments. Of course there are the photo
sharing sites such as instagram, but I always have so many photos I dont want
to overload it! Thats where the photo diary posts come in, its a perfect way
for me to document whats been happening in my day to day life to look back on.
Has anyone else noticed that iPhones dont show you the date that you took a
photo? Which is why this good old little spot on the internet is perfect!
10.11.13 - 17.11.13

Monday mornings = fresh hair, new nailpolish, coffee, glasses and a positive outlook to the new week!
My fresh juice addiction is growing ♥ I get SO much energy from them! This was was: 2 carrots, 1 beetroot, 2 oranges, 4 baby cucumbers, 1 apple and 2 cups of spinach!
Lunches for the week! This was a chicken soup with coconut milk, qunioa, carrot, onion, celery and asparagus, the coconut milk made it really tasty!
I know its almost summertime when the Mulberry tree in my parents backyard has fruit on it! This is my childhood memories all wrapped up in one. I use to spend hours out there with my brother eating the fruit right off the tree.
As I am a Tone It Up member, I recieve member emails each week. This sentence from Danielle really stuck with me so I made it into a picture ♥ I love doing this, gives me nice reminders for the day when I save them on my phone.
He can cook! haha, this is one of my dinners from during the week that the bf made. So yummy!
Afternoon snack in the form of a smoothie, this combo was yummo.
Some pictures from my morning #bootycalls! I always take photos of the lake, it is by far my favorite thing about this city.
Purple eyeshadow for a work day, I dont often wear color on my eyes but I like this look.
Reminding myself how important health is. I am so interested in health and fitness as a life insurance for myself. I want to live a long healthy happy life and the best way is through taking care of myself.
Love my 'More Issues Than Vogue' tee ♥
Nail combo for the week was a Maybelline black polish (unsure of the name) and Essie 'Set In Stones' on top, lasted the whole week no chipping!
Family skype sesh with my big brother who is living in Canada. Here we are freaking him out lol. Love my family.
Ahhh the VS Fashion Show filmed this week, cant wait to watch it! These girls are such beauties!
I love this concept so much, gave me a good laugh too! This should apply to vending machines!
Weekends = perfect fit protien pancakes. Everytime. Love ♥ ♥ ♥
This got me going, too funny.
A good reminder to assess the things your doing in your life. Life can get hetic and busy and stressful at times, but if you stop and think about why you choose to do things you may realise some things you dont need to waste time on, you may be happier knowing your so busy doing things you love or are happy to invest time and effort in. If it doesnt benefit you, change the world you live in. You create it so make it amazing ♥